Death In (Something a bit like) Venice
The Doge is dead!! ….and everyone wants to put their own man on the throne.
Players will compete to win votes to ensure the right (wrong) person becomes the Doge of the City. Protect your Pretender, get to the Council meeting and get the most Votes and you win
Skirmishes and missions in an imaginary 17th century city with just a few dungeons as well for added fun.
We will play over a large board of Venice-style buildings made by Paul, Jamie & Dave.
Rules will be using Legends of the High Seas (as we did for Lace Hulk).
You can play all weekend or just drop in for a couple of hours at any time on any day.
Figures will be available to borrow but if you fancy painting up some 17thC types then that will be great too.
So far we have Paul, Dave, Jamie, Buff, Tim W & Simon playing with a drive-by from Tim H. If anyone else is interested in taking part in a bit of weekend doge-ing in Ayton then let us know !
[There will also be a prequel version of Lace Hulk on the Friday where you can attempt to rescue the Cardinal from a dastardly Palanquin-napping]